It’s not uncommon to hear the advice, “Your business should be on social media.” And for service-based businesses, that’s especially true. You can share specials, promos, and unique events you are holding at your store in a way that is natural and will reach a large audience. It’s one of the easiest ways to market your business for “free.”
However, you should focus your efforts on the social channels that will bring the most return on investment. Facebook is usually a good start when you are first building up your presence on social because it is easy to use and has a powerful events platform, which is great for coupons and similar things.
To determine the right social strategy for your laundry store or location, we recommend first defining your target audience(s).
By defining these audience personas, or the types of people likely to visit and that you want to attract to your store, you’ll understand their habits and the spaces they frequent online. That will help you make a much better decision on how to use social media and what types of content will resonate with them, rather than stretching yourself thin or putting effort into something that won’t have much of a return for your laundromat.
A lot goes into successfully marketing a laundry business, and social media is just one component of that. Store owners already spend so much time managing other aspects of their stores that we’ve launched the CCI Marketing Service. Our experts are here to help you by managing the marketing of your store, including managing the social media channels that are right for your business. If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you, click here to schedule a 15-minute consult with one of our experts to chat about what marketing efforts our team can implement for you.