So you are looking to get into the laundry business. You’ve done your due diligence researching to the very best of your abilities the realities and logistics of opening a laundromat. You’ve spent hours on planetlaundry.com, on the ground finding out the going rate on local laundry franchises, maybe even visiting some successful laundromats in your area.
But once you have your basic business plan down for opening your very own laundromat, there’s just one question left: Do you stock your laundromat with coin operated laundry equipment, card operated laundry machine equipment, or both?
BenBiz.com has a great article on the pros and cons of owning a coin laundromat, an all digital card operated laundromat, and a laundromat with hybrid card-and-coin operated machines.
We at Card Concepts Inc. wanted to highlight a few excerpts from the article, Buying A Laundry: Coin Operated Laundromat Or Card Operated Laundromat? which are included below, but if you would like to read the article in full please click on the link.
“More and more we see “Coinless Laundromats“. Anyone in the business or entering the business will face the age old question; Coin or Card? Well, perhaps it’s not an age old question, as card systems haven’t been around very long, but it is a question worth considering.”
“Your management style or how you want to spend your time will also be important. A card store would be good for the person who doesn’t want to collect coins (and that can get old), wants to track all transactions, wants accurate and automatic accounting and wants to evaluate productivity of each machine.”
If you are looking for a ‘Card Only’ solution for your coinless laundromat, look no further than our LaundryCard system, focused on automating your laundromat by eliminating coins, employee management, store marketing. Learn more why coinless laundromats make good investments and if you’re a current owner who values precious free time but feel like you have less and less these days, read this article of tips on managing your laundromat remotely.
“The hybrid systems seem to be taking over and make a lot of sense to me. Again, with this system you can do it all. Most importantly you can take payment in any form. If receiving payment via cash, loyalty card and credit card is good enough for Macy’s, Starbucks, Wal-Mart and the like it should be good enough for a Laundromat.”
“The hybrid store does not require that you have a reader on every machine. This allows you to experiment with a system without paying the high price of doing an entire store.”
If you are looking for the perfect ‘hybrid’ coin-and-card operated laundry payment system then learn about our FasCard solution. With FasCard, you are able to easily modify your existing laundry machines to accept debit or credit cards and loyalty cards, while still being able to accept coins as regular coin operated laundry equipment.
What can Card Concepts Inc. do for you? Learn more about how the revolution in smart laundry products is changing the question of laundromat owners from “Should I use card or coin-operated machines in my laundromat?“ to “Would my customers prefer hybrid card-and-coin operated machines or solely card-op laundry machines?”
Source article link: Buying A Laundry: Coin Operated Laundromat Or Card Operated Laundromat?