In the event of a primary internet outage, the CCI Cellular Backup service will become active and provide continued internet connectivity for the FasCard or FLEX system. The failover is automatic and once your primary internet service is restored, the system will switch off of cellular and back to the primary connection. Alerts may be configured to inform owners when the cellular back up has been activated and when the primary internet connection has been restored. The cellular backup option requires a CMR (Cellular Modem Router) as well as a subscription to the cellular backup service.
Pricing (Per Location):
Cellular Backup Router $315 (One required per location)
Backup Service $15 per month (up to 48 hours per month, per location)
How to Install
Installation and networking instructions can be located here:
You may also contact CCI Technical Support for additional assistance by calling 630-930-5115 Option 2
Payment will be collected by ACH, using the same ACH account for which your FasCard/FLEX hosting fees are collected monthly. A onetime fee for the hardware will be charged along with any applicable shipping. The backup service will be added to your monthly CCI hosting fee each month and can be reviewed via your Billing History report.
How to Order:
Fill out the attached form, if you have more then one FasCard account you will need to fill out this form for each account. Once your submission is received, your order will be shipped within 3 business days. If you have questions or need to speak to someone about your order contact us at 630-930-5115 Option 1.